WS: Yes! You did think wrong, because you NEVER think right!
Maahi: ur just repeating whatever I said, and that too in an abusive manner!
WS: So?...what's ur problem?

WS: F*ck you too, lady!

Maahi: I hate you!

WS: And I love you too! Muuuuuuuahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Maahi: Go away, leave me alone!

WS: Arreeyyy....wtf! I'm the one who's supposed to be angry at you!
Maahi: WHAT?

time out, buddy! time out!!!!....ur SUPPOSED to be angry at me?

Here I am, trying to uplift ur freakin mood because u were feeling low, and ur telling me UR SUPPOSED TO BE ANGRY AT ME? F*CK MAN! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?
WS: Calm down u clown!!!!

Maahi: I'm going!....bye!...tc...have fun with mourning over whatever u were feeling low about!

WS: Allleeee...allleeee....bacchi ko gucchaa aa gaya?

Maahi: Bhaad meing gayi bacchi! dont talk to me!
WS: Who's 'talking' to you?
I'm just chatting with you!

Maahi: HA HA HA!....very funny...NOT!

WS: I thought I was at least improving on my PJs....

dont u think so madam?

Maahi: ur PJs =


Maahi: Allleeee...allleeee....baccha ko gucchaa aa gaya?

WS: BYE!...TC....have to do some work!....
Maahi: What? ur going?

WS: Yes! I am going. Am i granted to leave?

WS: Maybe I do wanna ask u

Maahi: really?

but u never ask me! u just say 'bye...tc" and leave without waiting for my reply!

WS: When do I just leave without ur reply?

Maahi: u sometimes do leave without waiting for my reply....but it's fine. chuck this!
WS: You've gone totally MAD!

Maahi: mad = angry.....so yes, i am angry!!!!....

WS: NO!.... mad = crazy = Maahi

Maahi: Thank you!

WS: that's it?

Maahi: isn't that supposed to be my line to say to you?

WS: I know

that's why I said it na...just to remind u

okie, so give me a lovely good-bye kiss and I will tell u later why I was feeling low....
Maahi: 'LATER' whenever u tell me why u were feeling low, then u will get the kissi



WS: bye...tc...

I hope u feel better!!!

WS: I always do after talking to you!

thank you Maahi, you are truly the one on whom I can count on!

luv ya! muuuuuuahhh!!!
Maahi: luv u too!

I may not be there for u physically, but I'm always with u....in ur heart!

okie, go now, otherwise u will blame me for not getting ur work done (whatever the work is!)
WS: bye...tc...
Maahi: bye...u tc as well!

- I'm supposed to be working on my projectsssss (not just 1, but 3) and here I am, writing a blog....fictitious of course!
(maybe I should mention at the beginning that it's a work of fiction, with a little bit of non-fiction essence to it....but i'll do it here!....."All characters and incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to any person or incident is just a mere coincidence!")
- Overlook all the grammar and spelling mistakes...these 2 people are having a chat online!....lol
- 2day was Earth Hour: 8:30pm -9:30pm. I turned off everything that uses electricity except for my Fridge(I totally forgot to unplug it) and my digital clock (just a few days ago, I had seen a DISGUSTING insect near the outlet, and I saw it again 2day morning, so I was too afraid to go near the outlet to unplug it!!!!.....
- Hope u guys had fun reading this post as much as I had typing it!
- Peace!!!