I dont want to talk to you. I'm very angry at you, it's only because of my frustration and stress that I have been experiencing lately. I know it's not your fault, but you could help me out, you know. It's not like I ask you for things every single day. I rarely ask you for anything. :(
I just want you to sort this problem out ASAP!!!!!!! (hopefully by Thursday evening)
How can you let me be stressed over this little situation? I am crying over this little thing....how in the world is this possible? How can you let me suffer like this??? Do you know how it feels like to be stressed out and be frustrated and all those anxious feelings you get when you experience this sort of thing? But then again, how would you know what's it like to be stressed out :( You live a stress-free life up there in your heavenly abode...nothing to worry about...letting the world run on its own....But making Neha suffer over this little thing, you just enjoy doing that, dont you?
Okay, okay, I'm Sorry! :(
I know I say and do silly and stupid things sometimes due to which you angry at me, but that's no reason for you to punish me like this. I dont want to be stressed out and cry over this little sproblem :(
It's just not me....this is not me. I dont cry over little things like this that stress me out....
Please, please, please, God, if you can hear my tiny little plead then PLEASE HELP ME!
I beg you, on my knees (upset and crying) with my hands folded together, to solve this problem and let me be free of this stress and frustration and worry and anxiety (etc.) that is currently residing in me.....PLEASE!!! :( :( :(
I would gratefully be thankful to you, as always, and more, if this problem gets solved ASAP!...
Waiting to see a miracle happen from your side. Please show me that there are such things as miracles that exist. Please don't let me down. :(
Rest is fine. Hope things are well with you (ideally, it should be, right?....unless there's some problem. You can always share your problems with me, you know. I'm always here for you! Just like how you are always here for me! :) And I know you will be here for me to listen to my current problem and help me solve it ASAP! :) )
Sincerely, truly and lovingly yours,
Neha Misra
p.s. Sorry for any grammatical and/or spelling errors.